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Sunday, August 15, 2010

During ATC, I gained a lot of things like new friends, sand fly bites, a team, teamwork, caring for one another during the 3 days. I told this to my group during the final debrief we had together as Group 9, “I didn’t really like or camps but because of this group, I liked ATC a little.” I really meant what I said to my awesome group that they were very special in a way that they managed to make me like something, furthermore a camp! Also, my Sir-in-charge from Nan Hua, Sir Jovan was very kind to us, even buying us rollercoaster to reward us……..

On Friday, 30th of July, I woke up feeling super depressed that I had to leave for the “stupid” camp. So I prepared to go to school in a very slow manner, just to spend more time with my family. Even before the camp, I was seriously homesick. I really hated that feeling.

In the blink of an eye, I was in school already. I carried my super duper gigantic camping bag which could store around fifteen 1.5 litre bottles. I thought that my squad mates would bring even more ridiculous bags, but to my horror, their bags were even smaller than their usual school bags!

In another blink of an eye, we were already walking to our campsite. We walked for around 15-20 minutes before reaching the NPCC campsite. We bid farewell to our seniors before heading to our own campsite.

We were then divided into our 9 groups. I was eagerly waiting for my name to be called followed by at least one of my squad mates who was going to endure the 3 days with me. But to my misfortune, my fellow squad mate who was going to join me was a PONER!!!!! I was totally dumbfounded and depressed. My fellow squad mates consoled me. I was on the edge of crying, literally crying. The huge sensation of homesickness enveloped me.

We then went to pitch our tents. My group had problems pitching out tents because the ground was too hard for us to peg. So we shifted, then when we were about to finish pegging, our last peg could not be pegged in because there were rocks on the floor. So we un-peg everything and shifted once again, finally being able to finish pegging.

We then made our way down the “hill” to the assembly point. We were then given a box of ration and packets of food for our group for dinner! Everyone was a total stranger. Luckily, my ex-tuition mate Gabriel, was in my group. It was rather comforting in a way. Then we ate dinner in the quickest time ever, 5 minutes! I had no idea why we were in such a hurry.

After dinner, we had debrief by our Sir-in-charge, Sir Jovan. He told us what we should expect tomorrow. Also, we came up with a group name, the Great Barrier Reef. We were also given yellow wrist bands. So we came up with a group cheer, with the tune of Flea Fly. We also played quite a few bonding games.

Soon, it was time for bed. We were made to sleep in a tent with 6 group mates. To be honest, the sleeping part was one of the worst things that happen in the entire camp! We firstly had fire drills. Next, the tent was super duper humid and stuffy and hot. Next, I could hear the flies right next to my ear; they were like making buzzing noises but without the “u” in buzzing. It was super disturbing.

The next day, we went down to wash up for the next day. I met my squad mates, and we had a “meeting” discussing about the nights, and the number of bites they got. Almost everyone was infested with bites, except me and Yong Hwee.

Next, we had morning PT, it was super slack, and all we did were 15 pumping and 15 jumping jacks and a jog around the entire campsite. Next, was breakfast. We were given our pack of rations. They were totally like ITC’s. So I took the dry rations.

Soon, we started our first of the 3 activities, land expedition. It was totally boring, furthermore we took the wrong path that we need to walk way more than the other groups. So we only completed 1 station only. There were a total of 3 stations. But something unfortunate happen they only group 9 experienced. One of our group mates suddenly stop and just started to cry. Everyone got shocked by what happened. Sir Jovan immediately when to him to ask what had happened. We then found out he had dislocated one of his toe. Sir Jovan immediately passed his things to me and another group mate and carried him back to the camp.

On the way back, two of my group mates ran back to inform the CIs about the incident. Then Sir Jovan asked us a question, whether to proceed to the next station or return to the campsite. We immediately told him that we wanted to return to the campsite without much thinking. After he was successfully brought back to the campsite, we went for lunch, worrying about his safety.

Next was the low rope challenge. We did not actually did low rope but we did the maze and rock-climbing. For the maze, we were supposed to go in a totally pitch dark room and find our way out. We were to go in 4 by 4. So when it was my groups turn, I decided to be the third to go in. When we were in the room, we held each other hands in case we got separated. Firstly, we had to feel the wall to move. Next, we felt a dead end with nowhere to go but eventually, we found out that we had to crawl under the wall as there was a hole. The crawling part was quite long and tiring as we still had to keep our hand together. Next we had to open some sort was wall and climb through. It was rather simple. Finally, we were out of the maze! Next, was rock-climbing. At first, I thought that it was very easy. But when I did it, it took me great pains to climb up, furthermore having a time limit.

Finally, it was kayaking. I was luckily paired up with one of my group mates. We were quite synchronized so were pretty fast. We were the unlucky batch of groups as we had to do the kayak cleaning! It was rather tiring after the kayaking furthermore the cleaning of it. So we were given extra time to wash up and eat. Then, it was soon the all awaited campfire! We gathered and cheered together and the environment was rather “high”.

Fast forward. It was finally the day we can go home! But the area cleaning thing was not that fun. My group had to un-pitch the tents and to wash it. It was rather fun to clean the tents as we were just practically whipping the tent. Yes, whipping.

That was about all we did for ATC.

12:36 AM

Monday, August 2, 2010


So I just came back from ATC. Which was rather amazing how i survived....lol. anyway i was the unlucky few who was the only one from Rv in a group.

...............(to be continued.....)

3:14 AM

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yo! posting after a long period of time..........
Alright, the CO concert overall was a great success because of everyone's help.....

Starting off, the backstage crew which consist of four year 2(including the runner) and 7 year three NPCC members. So we reported at 7.45 am at the school's auditorium. We started putting all the chairs in place. Then removing all the plastic covering on the chairs which was rather tedious.

Then we practise changing the chairs ourselves before the actual rehearsal. It was kinda screwed when we first started but it gradually got better.


Then it was the actual rehearsal already. Each rehearsal took around 2h. So there are a total of 9 songs. There would be an extra 1 because someone would be shouting encore! So between songs, the backstage crew would have time to chit chat.

So i went over to the other side where Qin ping and 4 other seniors were. So we had fun talking and crapping. Then overall, i got a 亲爱的 from someone..........

So bla bla bla

There were two concerts in total, one in the afternoon and one at night. So lets talk about the one at night. So we tried our best to shift all the chairs in the quickest possible time. Yeah... it was a success. So after the concert, the backstage crew shifted all the chairs and instruments away and arranged rows of chairs for the Co members to sit...

Then, the head of Co, a guy called Jin Qin(ps if got any mistake in spelling), called the backstage crew members to join in the picture.. Oh right, when i was shifting the chairs, i saw Kar Sing with were costume and make up........ Haha... wasnt that bad ^^. i also swa jiale walking out of the Audi looking super sian...

After the photo taking, the backstage crew members kept all the chairs. Then i took the honour of opening the door with Qin ping for a moment. Haha. many Co members thanked me for my hard work but not qin ping...Yeah! HAHA.

Then we went to the Co room to collect our Bags, on the way back, still many Co members thanked me. haha

Sadly, because of the Co concert i couldnt read shui hu zhuan with my little sis................

But all in all, it was a great and enjoyable time for me!

-Red signing out

7:44 PM

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Posting after posting the 41 words post(thank you shi ying for helping countXD).

oh yeah, i got two new members in my family, Vaness and Kar Sing

Ok, got back my GPA today, which was rather or super disappointing for me.Haiz......................... I will only review my GPA when the time is right......Ok, today was fun. We did chanbara which was uber funXD haha. We learnt different techniques etc.

Then after everything, Vaness, Yan Chen, Jiale,Cathy,Hao yu,Kar Sing and i went to Macs for lunch. After lunching, we started Arm weaseling...haha...

thats all folks.......

-red signing out

4:34 AM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today was our schools first YOG carnival. In all, our class 2J won three awards. First, we got 3rd for netball interclass, we got 1st for relay run which i am in and an excellence award.

Thats about all for today....

-red signing out

7:48 AM

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Today.... its super fun...ok sort of. actually I want to use this post to talk about someone i know.

Ok.. to be honest, i thought that he was a good friend, someone reliable... after today, he showed his true colour.... so we went to school today to help CO with the arrangement of chairs. After that a few boys and I went to play basketball. So, we played for a while and that bastard,(BYH) started to act tough...maybe there were girls around, so he wanted to play hero..... We were playing happily and then he just shouted"HEY YOU WANNA PLAY SERIOUS...OK!" And he just threw the ball directly at my face....as in really on purpose.... After getting hit... he say sarcastically " Are you alright?" i could obviously sense that he was damn sarcastic...

Next, he told me whether i knew how to play basketball...to be honest i admit that i cant play b ball very well but then at least i tried my best! So, i played my best by chasing the person with the ball, running around like mad... and there BYH was standing there daydreaming.... i was pratically playing on my own... then when he got the ball, he threw it to me, but not directly at me even though i was open, he threw around 1.5 meters away and obviously i couldnt get the ball,furthermore, i was uber tired of all the running. then one of my other friends said to him that his throwing sucks, and guess what he said, "DING EN! DO YOU KNOW HOW TO MOVE?"

i got so FREAKING PISSED that i just walk away and headed to the bus stop, when i walk past the basketball court, he smiled and said goodbye which was freakingly ........ luckily my two other more reliable friends left too...... HA SERVE HIM RIGHT!

BYH...since you are so pro in basketball....why dont you join basketball? Why? because you couldnt even join?! they didnt want you! We play basketball is just for the fun of it why must you be so competitive? acting cool with all those FAILED moves!

i really hope that you would see this post, i want to let you and all your friends know what kind of a jerk you are!

-red signing out

7:42 AM

Saturday, April 17, 2010

YO! posting today because today was totally AWESOME!!! YEAH! Okay i shall cut the chase.....
So, today we had to attend a NPAP(National Police Annual Parade) thingy... The person who went were Me, Qin Ping, Shi Ying, Vivian Tay, Yu Cong, and NCO Ong Min! So the five of us except NCO went to Macs for lunch XD. We saw Vivian Wong with her mum at macs too....

After the "enriching" lunch, we went to NTUC to buy sweets!(Shi Ying's idea)haha we bought a lot of sweet and two types of green tea... the original famous green tea and my favourite type of green tea with an extra taste....thought that they would like it but in the end i drank all myself.....

Then we walk to jurong west Sec to change into our Full-U... ya... took loads of pictures there......after that we spent a least an hour talking...just to wait for the bus....
When the bus arrives, the six of us rushed to the back of the bus....hahaha.... we talked about each other's crushes...Lol.. Ya...

When we arrived, there were over 15 sirs and Mdm there...haha they gave us a box of bread, a packet of drink... We then went to sit down in a formation like this to eat:

Yu Cong Vivian Tay
Qin Ping Shi Ying
NCO Ong Min Ding En
haha... cool right.... then we chatted a lot with NCO Ong Min....Qin Ping kept offering her sweets but she keep rejecting it.haha Guess what....she bought us chocolate.....boost! hahah. she rocks........... ok then shi ying kept blushing for no apparent reason..... After that......NCO Jing Xian called NCO Ong Min to tell her something as follow(i think):
NCO Jing Xian= JX
NCO Ong Min= OM
JX:"Hi.....how the sec 2 squad....behaving well a not?"
OM:"They are very nice keep offering me sweet....they are also very funny...haha"
(rest of us looking at her)
JX:"Must take a lot of pictures of them ah..."
Ya thats about all then the rest was us watching the parade...lol quite cool one of the school played "nobody" via smth......
Ok... before walking to the bus, i had we had to "fall in" to walk back to the bus. i had to carry three of the boxes of bread......my fellow squad mates made me look greedy...then a corporal offered to help me carry one,followed by NCO Ong Min(Damn touched;)) then we had to go back to jurong west sec to change back into our quarter uniform....on the way back we were mass spamming taking of photos...lol haha....
But when we returned...the school had already close so there were like 3 schools waiting outside.....haha... we decided to be a good RVNP cadet and went back to RV hostel to change...the rest of the school just wear a top over and went back home. When the other cadets went home they waved and say goodbye which was rather nice XD....then one of the cadet who walked home saluted to us and wished us good luck waiting for our ride.........Mr Loke saw me with three boxes and he started laughing at me.....haiz then he found out that Yu Cong, NCO Ong Min and Vivian Tay needs to take 172 back home which was detouring back to the hta(where we had NPAP)...he was like laughing all the way....haha then we squeezed into shiying's dad's car....ya with NCO Ong Min...... qin ping sat in front...then shi ying sat on vivian, yu cong sat on me and NCO Ong Min sat rather peacefully but not as peaceful as qinping. Haha. We went back to RV to change...
Then something rather disturbing happened..... the girls changed with us!!! In the boys toliet as they were very scared.......it was uber awkward especially when NCO Ong Min is like in the boys toliet.... but dont worry nothing happened....we are still virgins.... the girls when in the cubicles to change while the boys changed outside.....
So it was a great day....haha
-red signing out

8:12 AM

Ah Gong-Yanchen
Dad-Jun Ming
Eldest Gor-Ding En
Second Mei-Ming Hui
Third Di-Aaron
Fourth Mei-Cathy
Fifth Mei-Vivian Tay
Youngest Mei-Tania

Mum-Jia Le
(VW's)Dad-Wei Han
Eldest Gor-Ding En
Second Mei-Vivian Wong
Third Di -Kian Zhong
Fourth Mei-Cathy
My Son-Aaron
Outside KIND Mei-Vanessa
Outside FLYING Di-Kar Sing

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Vivian Wong
Yin Jia


March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010


zero one two three four


Innocence stolen without my permission
Innocence gone without my submission

Innocence lost through another’s plan
Innocence no longer for another man

Innocence turned to hatred and fear
Innocence gone, no man can come near

Innocence taken from a little girl’s heart
Innocence replaced by mistrust, you thought you were smart

Innocence disappears like dew in the sun
Innocence faded before it’s begun

Innocence obscured like a cloud over the moon
Innocence ripped away too soon